Welcome! The Education Policython is a weekend-long event aiming to platform student-drafted policy proposals, hosted by the Policy for the People and co-hosted by our partnered organization, Partners for Patients NGO.
Chime platform: https://eduthon.can.chime.live/app/app.html
Mentoring: https://encoreglobal.zoom.us/j/92989224782?pwd=WTVqNXMvR0U5WDZMY3YzZU9mUE5Xdz09#success
Link of links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vE6oY4HoZMXXlCF9ze4_T_YJU5lD88Vm8euvtc1i56U/edit
We encourage covering one of seven subject matters in particular:
However, you’re invited to also incorporate un-listed topics of your own into your writing pieces, so long as they’re relevant to our theme of educational policy.
We’ve amassed over 11 sponsors, partners, and community partners to bring together this experience for you. Throughout this weekend, (starting at 11am EST on Saturday, February 20th, going until 5pm EST on Sunday, February 21st), we’ll have a plethora of workshops, resources, and events available for you to partake in, including interactive speaking sessions with representatives of Brown University, Johns Hopkins University, and Voters Choose.