This guide is intended to help you, the operations team, to stay on track and guide you as you complete your tasks.
Tasks highlighted in green are complete.
Tasks highlighted in yellow are in progress.
Tasks highlighted in red are incomplete.
All tasks must be completed by the deadline specified. Please contact your Head or Byeongjun or Rachel for any concerns and questions about your task at any point in time.
Stage One Tasks
All Stage One Tasks should be done by (date).
- Draft up Code of Content (pending MLH partnership) and privacy policy
- Establish Prize Categories
- Establish tracks
- Establish Budget
- Based on sponsorships/grants + expenses
- Assemble a spreadsheet of potential guest speakers (include contact information)
- Establish number of panels
- Example: 2-3 panels per day
- Establish sponsorship tiers and benefits for each sponsor
- Example: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze
- Platinum will have more advertising throughout hackathon
- Establish website url and outline
- Establish whether or not the event will be virtual or in-person
Stage Two Tasks
All Stage Two Tasks should be done by (date).