Stage 1 (September - Late October)
Hiring (in progress)
- Incorporation
Slack + Notion Organization
Draft up Code of Content (pending MLH partnership) and privacy policy
- Establish tracks (in progress)
Establish MLH Partnership (in progress)
Establish number of panels
Resolve Vancouver Hackspace issue
Complete partnership prospectus (in progress)
Complete sponsorship prospectus (not started)
Identify potential partners and assemble spreadsheet accordingly - should consist of other hackathons/student-led organizations (in progress)
Use to grab emails and other relevant information
Find at least one talking point for each outreach attempt
Establish sponsorship tiers and benefits for each sponsor (in progress)
Example: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze
Platinum will have more advertising throughout hackathon
Finish Website Placeholder
Establish Social Media Platforms
Establish marketing platforms (used for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter)
Hootsuite (used for LinkedIn)
Reach 150 followers on Instagram