Subject Line: Harvard-affiliated opportunity for High-School Students!
My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am an organizer at Merge. Merge is a 36-hour virtual hack+policython uniting individuals from different backgrounds to solve society’s most pressing challenges. Our tracks include areas such as sociocultural, environmental, technology, healthcare, and education. We chose these topics to promote critical thinking and create innovative solutions.
This year, Merge will be held virtually on March 28th-29th, 2021. The three-day event will be filled with a variety of workshops, mentors from prestigious universities such as Harvard and MIT, and prizes up to $500 per team! We would love to invite students from [ORG/SCHOOL NAME] to attend Merge or be brand ambassadors with us. We believe that Merge will allow students to think innovatively, collaborate with others, propose constructive solutions, and develop the interdisciplinary skills that are more important than ever. We also believe that this opportunity is perfect for students and would love to share it with others as this would give students insight into future careers they might want to pursue.
If you feel students from [ORG/SCHOOL NAME] could benefit from this experience, please encourage them to sign-up here. If students are interested in becoming brand ambassadors, all the information can be found here. Additionally, it would be immensely appreciated if you could promote our event. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out!
We hope to see you there!
Best regards,