India has reported more than 19 million cases of the novel coronavirus - second only to the U.S. The death toll is reported to be at a quarter of a million, however, the real number is most definitely higher - not to mention that there's a lack of testing, as well. To make matters worse, Indian healthcare services, clinics, and hospitals are completely overwhelmed and way over capacity. The situation has gotten to the point where they have faced multiple oxygen shortages.
At this point hearing others say this is commonplace, but this by all means a global crisis. It is not just a crisis affecting a developing country and this is definitely not a crisis that we should just idly stand by and watch on the sidelines as spectators. Thoughts and prayers, although a kind sentiment, are not enough.
It is time to make some real change.
Despite what others may say, our community is more than capable of helping, but this can only be accomplished if done collaboratively.
The Hack+Policy Foundation has an amazing community of driven and like-minded youth with the vision of bridging the gap between STEAM and the liberal arts. There is no better nor pressing time to put our money where our mouth is by leveraging our many collective talents than now.
So with that being said, it is now time to introduce MERGE X India.
As some may be aware, MERGE 2021 was H+PF's premier initiative, and was a hack+policython. The foundation has decided to expand the community, goals, and vision to bring an initiative that will hopefully help ameliorate the current situation in India via MERGE X India.
Things will be a little different this time around, however. Submissions will be separated into hack and policy submissions respectively, as opposed to combining the two. This entails that teams may choose to solely focus on one or the other, or even both.
To reiterate, the hack aspect and policy aspect of MERGE X India will be separate, so submissions may just be a hack, like a conventional hackathon, or a well-written and though-out policy brief. Teams may even choose to do both for your submission, similar to MERGE 2021.