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Initiative Name: CVT

Overview and Summary:

Current Projects:

The CVT has 10 active projects and 4 dormant ones (these are projects that are not completed, but aren't being actively worked on). Table 1 outlines the status of all projects that are not currently archived.

All projects and their status may also be found in the following Airtable:

CVT Projects - CVT Projects

Table 1: CVT Project Status

In addition to projects, CVT is running internal events (coffee chats as networking opportunities for our members) and external events (Vizathon 2021).


Projects: We hope to grow our number of active projects, either by encouraging the submission of projects from new members or by reviving old projects. It may also be helpful to broaden the scope of projects beyond COVID to ensure that our work is still relevant as the way the pandemic impacts the world changes. Lastly, we could use more experienced and dedicated mentors for the projects currently in progress.

Internal Operations: We need to overhaul and reorganize our drive/filing system. While doing so, it would also be helpful to develop standard procedures for the drive - this would involve defining what goes into the drive, filing conventions, naming conventions etc., which will give our organization more longevity. It will also be helpful to have more formal structures and [reasonable] expectations for our Directors, to ensure that leadership is committed to the team

Internal Events: More frequent informal internal events would be helpful for community engagement. Our pilot 'Coffee Chats' this summer will be a good measurement of how feasible this is.

External Events: Vizathon, our data visualization hackathon, is currently being run through the CVT under Kelly's leadership. We will reassess what goals we should set in regards to external events afterward.

Future Outlook:
