This page is a place for project leads to find various resources for leading your project, finding datasets, and more.

Last updated: January 3, 2022

If you have something to add to this page, please contact Gabrielle W. on Slack!


Project Management

Meeting minutes template: a template for keeping track of what happens at your sychronous meetings for recordkeeping purposes + to keep those who cannot attend updated

CVT - General Meeting Minutes Template

Scheduling resources: helpful when searching for a suitable meeting time!

  1. When2Meet -
    1. Easy to set-up and straightforward.
  2. Lettucemeet -
    1. Similar to When2Meet, but with a more modern layour/colour palette
  3. Doodle -
    1. More complex, but has more options (i.e., allowing respondents to designate times as “Available but not preferred”)

Accountability and Tips to Keep Members Engaged

  1. Communicate with each other frequently - this ensures that CVT work stays 'on the radar'.
    1. it's much harder to just forget about something if the person you're working with asks you about it often.
  2. Ask your members to track/report on what they do for the project + how many hours they put into the project.
    1. For instance, maybe there could be a weekly thread where people update the group on what they've done or what they are planning or doing
  3. Ensure that projects have tangible outcomes and milestones
    1. Example: "we will submit this research paper to these groups / try to get it published in this journal etc.”
  4. Keep project materials / work in one place that's easy for everyone to access
    1. Example: a shared google drive + pinning the link in the channel