This page will outline the process for applying to lead a project of your own within the team. If you've been wanting to take a greater leadership role in the team, or are passionate about a very specific area of research, here's your chance to turn that into a project with the support, knowledge, and resources of the CVT!

The Process

Step 1: Brainstorm an Idea

The first step in developing your project is figuring out what you'd like to research. When brainstorming, don't be afraid to 'moonshot'. Think about what you are interested in, problems you would like to address, and tangible outcomes that you would like to achieve.

Step 2: Define Your Project

Once you have a rough idea, you'll need to refine your brainstorming into more structured ideas and questions. Think about what topic you would like to study, why that topic is important to you, and how you will showcase your findings.

When you are doing this, keep the following considerations in mind:

Step 3: Write a Proposal

Once you have a clearly defined idea, you need to write a proposal to CVT's Directors so that we better understand what you are planning and what support you are looking for.

General Guidelines: